360安全基地网站提供vivaldi浏览器下载官网1.3正式版下载安装。继此前一系列1.3测试版本之后,Vivaldi 浏览器今天终于迎来1.3正式版,本次版本更新主要为大家带来以下亮点:
We are in the middle of summer here in the northern hemisphere. A lot of people are vacationing, going to the beach, museums, and on adventures. Here at Vivaldi, we are continuing our efforts to make Vivaldi better and here we have Vivaldi 1.3 for you.处在北半球的我们正在经历盛夏。许多人在休假,去海滩,博物馆,去探险。在Vivaldi的我们正在马不停蹄为你打磨Vivaldi,如今1.3正式版已经来临。
What’s new?有啥新东西?
We are working on two fronts. Making what we already have better, faster and even more stable while at the same time adding new features and functionality. It takes a lot of effort, but we have you, our users, to show us the way towards the browser we all want. The one that works perfectly for you, me and everyone else.
Recently, The Inquirer, an online magazine, have gotten it perfectly as the subtitle on an article about another browser simply says:
“The cool kids all use Vivaldi these days anyway.”
Of course they do :) And we want as many cool browser users as possible so in 1.3 we have added the following:
Themes – Endless possibilities
主题系统 – 无限可能
You can now get Vivaldi to look exactly the way you want. You’ll have Vivaldi blend in perfectly on your favorite desktop. The level of customization options in Vivaldi’s theming engine is quite extensive and far beyond what has ever been offered in a web browser. Since the browser is probably your most used application, this matters to a lot of users. We have gotten great feedback on the new theming feature already!
Mouse Gestures
If you are not using mouse gestures, now is the time to start. We have improved them considerably making it a fast, smooth way of navigating the browser and web content. There are more than 90 (Nine Zero!) browser actions that can be performed with a mouse gesture!
WebRTC is interesting and powerful and these are a set of very useful features but they have some side effects like disclosing your IP address. This has some privacy consequence. With Vivaldi, you can now turn WebRTC off and only have it on when you need it.
For our dedicated Linux users
Linux is an important platform for us. In this release, we have addressed some of Linux platform specific issues, which means that tab hibernation now works as it should, and some proprietary media embedded in HTML5 content can now be enjoyed in Vivaldi on Linux without problems.
We have of course continued to polish Vivaldi making it run a little faster and work even better. For many users this is the most important aspect of our updates, so we are staying focused on the “general improvements” area as well.
Thank you all for being Vivaldi users. We couldn’t do it without you, and what we are doing for as many as possible of you.
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